Here you will find the latest news from Elsie: exclusive video clips and reflections from clients and readers that may prove useful.

A dream come true. My 2nd audible, Mentored by Mind, is now available.

I’m very grateful to narrator Risa Rae.

“I just wanted to tell you how much I love the audible version of Mentored by Mind. To me, it feels like a wonderful gift to the world. Thank you for going the extra step to make the audible version.” Much love, Bonnie

I’m thrilled to have What if You Already Knew the Answers to Your Questions? in an audio format.

I didn’t know how it was going to happen. It’s been percolating for a while. And now it’s unfolded seamlessly.

Thanks to Risa Rae as the narrator.

Available on Amazon

And Audible

This is the original video of The Genesis of the Three Principles, filmed by Julian Freeman. I’ve not seen it for quite awhile and was moved to tears by the beauty of Syd’s story. Thanks to the Three Principle Foundation for releasing to YouTube. 
This book tells of the unexpected enlightenment of a simple, ordinary man, recounting meaningful and unforgettable moments. We learn more of Sydney Banks’ story; the meaning of what was waking up in him, and how this changed him. You will also find Syd’s quotes here, so powerful that they can take the reader beyond his words, to the essence of what is being conveyed. (Introduction- Ana Holmback)
Download for free here:

The Genesis book, translated into Ukrainian and Russian by Masha is now available in ePub format. This historic book will be available to even more people globally. It feels like the world needs more wisdom, hope, and sanity than ever before.

Download for free here:

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The Genesis book is now translated into Ukrainian and Russian, thanks to Masha Liashenko. I’m deeply moved as my late father was from Ukraine and would be heartbroken at the devastation. We pray for peace.

Download for free here:
This video is from my last talk at the last Three Principles School on Salt Spring April 2022. I found it moved me, having not listened to it before, and wanted to share with you. Syd had such an epic experience and we all continue to benefit from it, for generations to come. 

It was a privilege to be interviewed about the extraordinary transformation Syd had after his enlightenment. My heartfelt thanks to the 3PGC board for hosting, to Shane for his insightful questions and to Bonnie for arranging.

The interview with Elsie can be viewed here:

Dear Friends,

I have a new book that I want to share with you:  “What If You Already Knew the Answers to Your Questions?”

After my initial resistance to the message of hope and transformation that Sydney Banks shared with me, I began to wonder, what if there was an answer to life, to all the questions we have. How would this “knowing” take shape in my life, in my relationship with Ken, our children, and beyond. What if we truly had the answers within? How would this change our communities, our nations, the world?

It was simply too much for my intellect to fathom.  And yet . . . I couldn’t dismiss “What if?” It was buried in my soul, yearning to be released.


To order click here for Canada, here for the US and other countries, and here for  the UK. 

With love, 


Here’s my interview with Nicola Bird about my “What If” book. It was a pleasure to talk with Nic. She’s a very insightful interviewer and I found her questions thoughtful and deep. I hope you enjoy as much as I did.

Please feel free to share this document “Sharing the Principles” with other practitioners who may find it helpful.

There has been a groundswell of interest in sharing this work so Elsie Spittle and George Pransky decided to write a paper that represents a collection of firsthand learnings from their original teacher, Sydney Banks. They collaborated with many of their colleagues who have been learning alongside them in hopes that their collective knowledge might help the people who are interested in using this understanding to better the world.

 “Hope over Fear” A preview of the ease and gentleness of speakers gathering from all around the world to share their understanding of how life really works. They discussed the potential for humanity of an understanding known as the The Three Principles with guests at the Scottish Parliament on May 26th 2015 whilst honouring the legacy and message of Mr Syd Banks who was born in Edinburgh.