The Genesis of the Three Principles
Elsie is the author of 9 books – The Genesis of the Three Principles; What if You Already Knew the Answers to Your Questions?; Mentored by Mind: Soul to Soul Conversations; Nuggets of Wisdom II: Learning & Sharing in Shorthand; The Path to Contentment; Nuggets of Wisdom; Beyond Imagination – A New Reality Awaits; Our True Identity… Three Principles; and Wisdom for Life
Download for free here:

What if You Already Knew the Answers to Your Questions?
Available in audio, print and eBook, from Audible, Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.co.uk, and Itunes

Mentored by Mind
Available in audio, print and eBook, from Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.co.uk

Nuggets of Wisdom II
Available in print and eBook, from Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.co.uk

The Path To Contentment
Available in print and eBook, from Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.co.uk

Nuggets of Wisdom - Learning to See Them
Available in print and eBook, from Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.co.uk

Beyond Our Imagination – A New Reality Awaits
Available in print and eBook, from Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.co.uk

Our True Identity. . . Three Principles
Available in print and eBook, from Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.co.uk

Wisdom for Life
Available in print and eBook, from Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.co.uk
Readers comments
“I’ve bought your What If book and I’m a few chapters in now. I can really get a sense of your trust in the universe and patience for your own wisdom coming through at the right time. One chapter stood out where your client Deanna was feeling like she should ‘do something’ to increase money from her business. The message I take from this is to trust our wisdom will show up when the time is right.”
Thank you, Emma
“What If has been my favorite book from you and I’m already looking forward to reading it again. Can sense the joy and dedication you have for writing!”
All the best, Andre
“I found your new book truly wonderful and just left you a review on Amazon which I think might be the first one. Thank you for such a fab book!”
I hope you’re well, Pat
“LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. I really FEEL what Elsie is sharing in this book. The warm and loving way she writes brings you right back inside yourself where your own wisdom and insights are. Her gratitude and appreciation shine so bright it overflows onto you, the reader. It shows how “noticing” what I do see is so important so you can focus on that instead of what our negative thinking/thoughts say. Mentored by Mind is a must read. It brings such warm wonderful feelings.”
Thank you, Elsie. Laura
“Congratulations on the new book! I truly enjoyed it and it brought back some beautiful memories and deep appreciation for knowing such a beautiful soul like you. Your voice will forever spread sun warmth to searching souls looking for answers.”
Much love, André
“I’m so happy to see that Mentored by Mind is now available. The cover is absolutely beautiful! Please tell Lynn “Brava!” It must feel wonderful having your daughters so intimately involved in your creative expression. Thank you again for sharing your love and wisdom in this and so many other ways.”
Love, Jane
“Thank you for sharing this great news about your new book. It’s ordered and I look forward to receiving it. Each morning I read from one of your books as a way to clear my mind and see Truth. This book will be a welcomed guest at my table.”
Wishing you a beautiful day, Cherie
“Congratulations. Your capacity to put words to your experiences with your work with the Principles can only reach the level it has, if it is inspired by love. And that is exactly why your books are so worth reading and why it makes so much sense to have them translated for a broader public. Looking forward to reading it.”
Love from danish friend, Christian
“Congratulations on your new book, Elsie! And thank you for continuing to create a legacy of work that points us back to the essence of Syd’s insights; that is much appreciated!”
“Thank you so much for Nuggets of Wisdom ll. I am enjoying it and soaking in the bits of nuggets as I read it slowly. I also have to say Elsie. I so resonate with the simplicity of your offering and going back, really to the truth of the simplicity of the understanding. The way Syd offered it.”
Chin’an, Karen
“Thank you so much for Nuggets of Wisdom ll. It sits by my bedside and most nights before drifting off I pick it up and open to read where it opens. It is like nourishment to my soul and has awakened deeper insight.”
Love, Rita
“I got your new book Nuggets of Wisdom II and I am loving it! It feels like being with you in person!”
Love light & gratitude, Rachel
“You have so much to offer the world, Elsie, and it is truly a pleasure to be a recipient of your beautiful and guiding words in Nuggets of Wisdom II.“
Congratulations!!! Terri
“Your book, Nuggets of Wisdom, exemplifies the simplicity and the feeling of true understanding. It will help all of us realize even more deeply what it means that we are the Principles in action! Bless you, dear Elsie, for all that you are and all that you bring into the world! And I am so grateful for the way in which you honor Syd’s teachings and help reveal them as living, breathing, self-evident Truth.”
All my love. Dicken Bettinger, Ed.D.
“In The Path to Contentment, the sharing of HOME as always here always now – the sharing that wisdom is my true nature whether I have troubling thoughts or nothing on my mind was like a giant gift of comfort, love and relief. I – SEE – THOUGHT was like a gong going off in my head complete with sound effects.”
Thank you, Elsie, Blessings. Debora
“The author once described Sydney Banks as a global treasure. Such words could just as easily be applied to her. There is a truth in Elsie’s words that resonates with something deeper than the intellect, a place of tranquil feeling from which insights flow. Each of the little “nuggets” in Nuggets of Wisdom provides the reader the opportunity to access that place. Truly, Elsie and her book are treasures.”
With many thanks and much love. Phil A. Hughes
“I taught two sections of a Counseling Theories course and assigned students to read Beyond Imagination. It was really fun to process their positive reactions to your book and their questions. These students also read The Enlightened Gardener and watched several of Syd’s videos as part of the class. I always get so emotional when I watch those videos…filled with gratitude that I met Syd, and you…and so many others.”
Dr. Linda Pettit
“I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your book, Our True Identity. The stories, the way you explain things in a down to earth yet spiritual way – it is bringing me Joy!!! I wanted to let you know how grateful I am that you so eloquently wrote this book from your own beautiful wisdom!!! I think Syd was watching over you!!!!”
Steve Adair
“I’ve just read Our True Identity and felt compelled to let you know that I think your book is wonderful, honest, insightful and heartfelt. I’m really proud of you because this book is a perfect reflection of what Syd Banks taught us all. Without getting too mushy, I really felt your humanity and fragility very deeply throughout the entire book….You’re great!”
Stuart Backerman